22/2 08:00-10:00

Scale Up!

Ola Ahlvarsson & Pelle Tornell
Event place
Disruption Hall

Welcome to a free morning for fast growing fast growth companies!

Many can create a StartUp but very few succeed with a ScaleUp.

The step from StartUp to ScaleUp demands new competencies, new processes and new ideas. It’s the fast growers that attract the top talents and the smartest investors which leads to a positive spiral… but how do you succeed in becoming fast growing?
Feb 22nd we treat you to an exciting morning with focus on what is needed to create a ScaleUp. You will take part in what fast growers have in common and what makes the others growth come to a halt.

You will meet serial entrepreneur Ola Ahlvarsson who will share experiences from Result’s 300 international expansion projects, his 20 own ventures and his life time as an entrepreneur. We are also proud to present Pelle Tornell, growth entrepreneur, researcher in decision making and an expert on ScaleUp methodology.

Join us Wednesday to trade experiences with other growth entrepreneurs and gain a better understanding for exactly what is needed in order to ScaleUp.