20/4 08:30-10:00

ROI = Return on Innovation

Joakim Hernström
Event place
Revelation Space

Ideas themselves may be evolutionary and universal, but their research, development, creation, and marketing are the outputs of individual innovators. Intellectual property law should protect the rights of those who act on ideas to their finished product, rewarding those who have turned a concept into a tangible and useful creation.

What happens with your IP when you Innovate? And even more important, what might happen if you don't take proper action? This and much more we'll talk about at this crash course on how to protect you IP when you innovate. To our help we bring in Joakim Hernström from Bergenstråhle & Partners, Thought Leaders when it comes to IP Management.

This is the one master class you should not miss – it's important! Learn from the experts. Join us!
