12/12 19:00-21:00

I framtiden bär alla tights

Event place
Disruption Hall

Come and join the futurist, inventor and motivational performer Gustaf Josefsson Tadaa on a journey from past to the future in a theatrical and humorous stage performance. Let one of Sweden’s most creative and playful minds give you hope for the future. But also, dare to follow him into his doubts and, feelings of loneliness in a disruptive world. Epicenter members will be able to attend the show for free, just sign up below.

Learn more about the show here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/i-framtiden-bar-alla-tights-biljetter-51767685541?aff=efbevent&fbclid=IwAR2NCNL_AMulI4lQN8OzSCQCbUY-uJ333BxX3HxYkmycfPegyUXjk-JKXyY