27/8 00:00-23:59

Buy Ola Ahlvarsson - and support Orten.io (inclusion and diversity in tech)

This is Ola Ahlvarsson. You can buy Ola. He could be yours. At least for a day. So if you are ready to open your wallet, Ola will be yours but the payment will go directly to our friends at Orten.io.

Orten.io is a platform where people no matter the background, social status, gender, religion can meet and be inspired to cooperate within tech entrepreneurship in Sweden. Orten.io host startup events in low-income areas (särskilt utsatta områden) around Sweden focusing on uplifting tech entrepreneurs with diverse backgrounds. Past two years Orten.io (www.orten.io) has hosted 650+ attendees in four events in Tensta, Rosengård, Bergsjön, Husby. This campaign will, depending on the final bid, help them host 1-10 more events across Sweden.

Ola Ahlvarsson is a Swedish entrepreneur and athlete based out of Stockholm. He has since the mid 90’s been at the cutting edge of digital entrepreneurship as an entrepreneur, investor, thought leader and advisor. Ola has received numerous recognitions and awards including Wired Magazines top technology thinkers 2015. Elected Global Leader of Tomorrow at World Economic Forum in Davos and Top ten leading European internet entrepreneurs 1999 by Wall Street Journal during over 20 years of building companies.

The auction opens on Monday the 27th of august, and closes on Friday the 31st of August at 15.00 hours on our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/epicenterstockholm). Bidding starts at 10 000 SEK, so place your bids in the comments section of the Facebook post and you´re in. All bids are binding.



The person/company with the winning bid may use Ola Ahlvarsson as a moderator/host/facilitator for a half day conference/kickoff/or similar. Every single krona from the auction will go directly to Orten.io (www.orten.io) to support their work. Eventual travel expenses for Ola Ahlvarsson connected to the moderatorship will be covered by the winning bidder.