22/2 17:00-19:00

After Work: Paint Epicenter Red!

Event place
Epicenter Terrace

Don't miss February's eclectic Epicenter after work!
This time we'll give you wizards, a crowdfunding safari and the questionable opportunity to spray your own graffiti tags all over Epicenter by the use of VR. For those of you who are already tired of the silliness of the world, there will also be free beer. 

FAME VR – An introduction to the work about developing a virtual graffiti FAME. A FAME in graffiti is a meeting place where several painters can come to physically. On site at Epicenter this week is Jonas Ziggy Rasmusson, one of Sweden's top graffiti painters, Erik Rosales from D1gits and Andreas Blom from the Graffiti Society. With a presentation and then the opportunity to test on a specially written variant of the Kingspray program, from which the project is based, we want to gather perspectives for the continuation of the project, but also find new partners within the framework of Epicenter. Spray your own graffiti tag all over Epicenter this Thursday!

Sign up today and see you there!