Published 5 years ago

The ADHD Box Just Landed at Epicenter


A virtual experience that gives you the opportunity to see what ADHD feels like

Together with Underbara ADHD and Samsung, Epicenter launched the ADHD Box that makes it possible to take part of five minutes of the daily life for someone living with attention and hyperactivity disorders. The experience consists of two parts that illustrates the challenges and difficulties that daily situations include for a person diagnosed with ADHD. This gives people not suffering from this diagnose an insight and makes it easier to understand what life can look like for different people.

Georgios Karpathakis, founder of Underbara ADHD, says that this is an important step, not only because it illustrates scenarios from a daily life with ADHD, but also because it increases the understanding for what challenges and strengths ADHD includes. Epicenter members Samsung and D1GITS stands behind the project together as well. Charlie Caper and Erik Rosales, magicians and founders of D1GITS, made this experience possible by using video and sound from 13 Samsung tablets.

Is it possible to read a text and answer questions when other impressions are disturbing your focus? Come try yourself at Epicenter!